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Help Center

First-timers, first join us for a FREE 1-hr class online or in the live studio. Please contact Chief Instructor (CI) Ana by texting 732-789-4309. She will send you the free class registration form available online! Returning students please text Chief Instructor (CI) Ana at 732-789-4309 for the online registration form for a child, teen or adult. She will then email you the age-appropriate registration link. We cannot post registration forms permanently on the website because the studio would be flooded with students that we would not be able to seat. Thank you for understanding!


How can I register for any age (7 to adult) and for any class?

We automatically email the studio’s RECURRING ZOOM CLASS link to all parents on the last day of the month. The first of such emails was sent on Aug. 31 2024. If the caretaker/parent is not receiving such reminders, please text Chief Instructor Ana at 732-789-4309 to ask for this service.


Where is the link to the studio’s online classes on Zoom?

Yes, please. YOUR “MY ACCOUNT” LOGIN Your first login gets you into the “My Account” page on the AAHP’s website. This is where you manage your account matters EXCEPT attendance. Non-attendance matters may include, for example, updating your contact info, updating or changing a credit card, etc. YOUR PARENT/USER PORTAL LOGIN Once inside My Account, click on “Manage Attendance”. Now your second login lets you enter your parent/user portal on JackRabbit, for managing all attendance matters. Please do not try to enter JackRabbit elsewhere on the Internet. You can only access your portal through your “My Account” space on the AAHP website, or through your saved bookmark.


Do I need two logins as a student of the AAHP?

Option No. 1: At the top of the homepage of the AAHP website (, click on the My Account (red button) that appears next to the white program tiles for the children’s, teen and adult studio programs. Proceed to login. Reset your password if need be. Option No. 2: At the top of the homepage of the AAHP website (, click on a white tile for your children’s, teen or adults program. Locate that program’s nav bar at the top of the page you are now visiting. Click on the tab called My Account. Proceed to login. Reset your password if need be. Option No. 3: Log in to “My Account” and bookmark it on your device for speedy access.


How do I access “My Account” at the AAHP?

No problem! To create your JackRabbit account to access your parent/user portal for managing attendance, please use this link for another chance (as many chances as you want!)


Ooops. When registering, I couldn’t create a login for my parent/user portal on JackRabbit. How do I get another go at it?

At the top of the homepage of the AAHP website (, click on a white tile for the children’s, teen or adults studio program. Next, locate that program’s nav bar at the top of the page you are visiting, and click on the tab called “My Account”. Login into your account using your AAHP username and password. inside My Account, use the menu bar on the left side of your screen to click on “Manage Attendance”. This will shuttle you to your parent /user portal, where you will use your JackRabbit login. When you reach this page, you can bookmark it for future use.

How do I login back into my existing parent/user portal on JackRabbit after having signed out?

–Use any of the three options listed above to enter your “My Account” inside the AAHP website, –Next, login to My Account (this is the login you created in Part B. of the student registration form). Reset your password as necessary. AAHP staff do not have access to your passwords. Please always save your login credentials elsewhere for easy retrieval. –Next, click on the term “Payment Methods” to arrive at your credit card information on record, and to make your desired changes.


How do I update/change my credit card on file?

Please text Chief Instructor Ana anytime, any day: 732-789-4309. She may not be able to respond Mon-Fri after 3:30pm as she preps for all 4pm classes. She will not be available during any morning, after-school, or evening class times. Thank you for understanding.


For curricular, course and class matters, and the learning experience:

Rasheeda Hakim Patanwala Assistant Director & Bookkeeping

For account information, billing, attendance matters, and staff payroll:
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