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Frida's Studio

Our premier program for teens who are in 10th, 11th or 12th grade, and who wish to enter or continue studio practice until they graduate from high school

Anchor 1

Our honors high school students  will build winning projects with the freedom of following a career theme of their choice, or their own unique creative interests, in our new program for teens interested in studio practice and craft.

Watch our students at work!

Above the Clouds

Portfolio Prep Program V.S.
   Frida's Studio   

Same    Instructors
Same    Tuition
Same    Quality

 Students and instructors can never tell who among them is in which track. The only difference between P3.O and Frida’s Studio is that the students in this track, and who are already in higher grades, no longer have enough time to use the P3.O program to build portfolios. Therefore they do not experience the time-pressures necessarily built into P3.O. In addition, students in Frida’s studio do not need to develop all their projects around a particular theme, as the P3.Oers must do.  We do encourage students in Frida’s Studio to seek college portfolio construction and guidance from a third party, and to then use projects built with us to supplement their project count.

The Difference

Perks &

Students in Frida’s Studio can, and should, apply to job posts of interest that may open up under our Junior Staff employment program, either as employees and/or as volunteers. They can also request formal letters of recommendation from our Director, and for the Director to serve them as a reference before any third party. 

* Services that relate to the college application process, such as our portfolio reviews and final assembly, expert college essay co-editing, etc., are reserved only for P3.Oers.

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